71 pages 2 hours read

John Green

Paper Towns

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Part 2, Chapters 13-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: "The Grass"

Chapter 13 Summary

Quentin falls asleep in the strip mall, but is awakened by his phone ringing. Ben is calling him from an after-prom party at Becca’s house and he is extremely drunk. He tells Quentin that everyone is expecting him at the party, but when Quentin refuses to go, Ben finally admits that he needs Quentin to be his designated driver, to which Quentin begrudgingly agrees.

When Quentin arrives at Becca’s house, he is surprised to see Ben doing a keg stand while Jase and other popular kids hold him up. The entire event seems pointless to Quentin, as he stands surrounded by drunken classmates. He watches Ben with Lacey, and is informed by a very drunken Radar that they have become legends to the popular kids, particularly Ben. Chuck approaches Quentin and asks if he was the person who shaved his eyebrow. When Quentin admits to it, Chuck simply laughs and commends Quentin for being so bold. Quentin dislikes the warmth and camaraderie Chuck is showing him, and imagines that, while this new sense of fellowship with the popular kids will end soon, for now, everyone has to pretend that they have been friends all along.

Quentin goes downstairs in an effort to avoid the crowds.