54 pages 1 hour read

Naguib Mahfouz

Palace Walk

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1956

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Chapters 43-56

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 43-47 Summary

Amina, Khadija, and Kamal visit Aisha in her new home. Khalil also makes an appearance. Since his family is rich, he has no job and occupies himself by lounging around the family home. Khalil’s older brother, Ibrahim, also introduces himself to the guests. He was previously married with children, but his wife and children have all died. Kamal is bored and suppresses his desire to ask his younger sister why Khalil was kissing her.

The day of Yasin’s wedding arrives. He has still not met his bride-to-be, Zaynab, so he tries to sneak a glance at her as she is led into the house. This wedding is a more muted affair. Despite his father’s permission, Yasin has chosen not to invite his mother. He also begins to feel enthused by the idea of having a wife to satiate his burning desire for romance.

Zaynab moves into the family home and joins the others at coffee hour, effectively replacing Aisha. Khadija and the others begin to resent her occasional bragging about her Turkish heritage. Widow Shawkat visits again with another proposition. This time, she suggests marrying her son Ibrahim to Khadija so that “the two sisters will be united in one home” (304) once again.