63 pages 2 hours read

Charles Dickens

Our Mutual Friend

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1865

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Book 2, Chapters 9-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 2, Chapter 9 Summary: “In Which the Orphan Makes His Will”

The following day, Sloppy visits Rokesmith at the Boffin house. Johnny is sick, he says, and he and Betty are taking care of him. Rokesmith informs Mrs. Boffin and Bella of Johnny’s sickness, and the trio visits the sick orphan, eventually persuading her to allow Johnny to be taken away for treatment. At the hospital, however, Johnny’s condition remains severe. He dies during the night.

Book 2, Chapter 10 Summary: “A Successor”

Johnny’s death takes a toll on many people, though Silas is not upset. In private, he gloats. Mrs. Boffin speaks to her husband, Rokesmith, and Bella. She has decided that she can never name another child after John Harmon; she has also decided that she should not evaluate children for adoption based on how loveable they seem. When Sloppy visits, she invites him to stay and “be taken care of for life” (336). Sloppy is initially enthusiastic but does not want to abandon Betty.

Book 2, Chapter 11 Summary: “Some Affairs of the Heart”

Miss Peecher has noticed that Headstone seems distracted and suspects that this is the result of Headstone’s love for Lizzie. Headstone visits Lizzie and asks her why she has not followed the education plan that he devised with Charley. Instead, she has been receiving lessons from the teacher appointed by Eugene.