130 pages 4 hours read

Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1838

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Chapters 46-50

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 46 Summary: “THE APPOINTMENT KEPT”

Nancy and Noah are on the London Bridge. Noah narrowly avoids being caught by Nancy, hiding in “the deepest shadow he could find” (538). Nancy looks around over and over, as if she is waiting for someone. A little after midnight, a coach pulls up at the edge of the bridge and a young lady and old gentleman begin hurrying towards Nancy. Though the two are eager to speak with Nancy, Nancy has them move from the public bridge and they head down the steps towards the pier to speak. Noah heads down the steps before they do and hides around the corner so that he may hear everything.

Nancy confesses that she has been full of dread all day and has been plagued with “horrible thoughts of death, and shrouds with blood upon them” (462). Though the older gentleman tells Nancy that it is merely her imagination, Nancy cannot be soothed. Nancy explains that she was kept by force from coming the week before and did not have the chance to drug Sikes with laudanum. They ask if anyone suspects her and Nancy says no. The gentleman tells Nancy that they want her to rat

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