41 pages 1 hour read

Tobias Wolff

Old School

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2003

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Chapters 1-3

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary: “Class Picture”

The novel opens at a New England prep school. It is November of 1960. The unnamed narrator describes his classmates’ affection for Kennedy and disdain for Nixon. As a younger man, Kennedy, it seems, would have been a member of their circle. However, says the narrator, “we wouldn’t have admitted that class played any part in our liking of Kennedy” (3). They believe that their school is not “snobbish” and that students earn their success, though there is a tacit understanding that “some of the boys might get a leg up from their famous names or great wealth” (3).

Their school is known for its literary culture. The headmaster has studied with Robert Frost, and Dean Makepeace is known to be a friend of Hemingway’s. The students also believe that Dean Makepeace was the inspiration for a character in The Sun Also Rises.

Each year, a few prominent writers visit their school. Prior to each visit, the school holds a writing contest in which students submit work that is judged by the author. The winner is granted a private audience with the author, and the winning story is published in the school paper.