85 pages 2 hours read

Willa Cather

O Pioneers!

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1913

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Part 4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4: “The White Mulberry Tree”

Part 4, Chapter 1 Summary

The narrative flashes forward to June. Emil has returned from Mexico, and Alexandra brings him to the Catholic church’s fair to show him off. Emil gets along well with the French and Bohemian boys, who are friendlier than the Swedish boys of Hanover. At first Marie is nervous to see Emil, but she cannot contain her enthusiasm when they reunite.

Frank knows that he should stop begrudging Marie her popularity and habit of getting everything she wants. He doesn’t believe that he is truly hurting Marie, but he suspects that he could reclaim her affections if he tried and feels vaguely ashamed that he doesn’t exert himself: “Perhaps he could not have given [the grudge] up if he had tried. Perhaps he got more satisfaction out of feeling himself abused than he would have got out of being loved” (80).

Marie reads fortunes at the fair. Emil asks for his fortune, but they’re interrupted by the French boys’ prank on the girls. The lights go out, and Emil blows out Marie’s candle. In the darkness, every young man is supposed to secretly kiss the woman he wants. Emil kisses Marie, and both are surprised by how natural the kiss feels.