71 pages 2 hours read

Sharon M. Draper

November Blues

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Chapters 34-39

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 34 Summary: “November, Monday, August 30”

November sits in her mother’s car and looks at students hurrying to the school on the first day of classes. She doesn’t want to go in and wonders whether she will be able to graduate on time. Mrs. Nelson reminds November that her guidance counselor said she can make up the missed classes in summer school and still graduate, and even go to college afterward. Sensing what her mother means, November says that she can go to college only if she sells her baby to the Prescotts. Mrs. Nelson reminds November that she is running out of time and she soon has to decide whether she will agree to the legal adoption or not. 

Seeing Olivia, Dana, and Kofi walking towards her, November says goodbye to her mom and joins her friends. November notices how beautiful Dana looks and the admiring looks in the eyes of boys that pass them. Olivia, too, seems to have lost a few pounds and wears a cute outfit that matches her new shoes. 

As the friends walk towards the front door, November hears some of the girls standing nearby talking about her behind her back, discussing how big she has gotten and who the father of her child is.