76 pages 2 hours read

Joe Hill


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2013

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part 5, Chapter 24-Part 6, Chapter 42

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 5: “Sleigh House: 1996”-Part 6: “The Spirit of Ecstasy: 2001-2012”

Part 5, Chapter 24 Summary: “Haverhill”

Vic keeps riding, eventually reaching a dirty white house called the Sleigh House.

Part 5, Chapter 25 Summary: “The Other End of the Bridge”

Vic senses that the house is an evil place. She gets off her bike and walks toward the house as the sound of a radio grows louder. The fir trees are decorated with Christmas lights and tin angels, even though it is the third week of March. She looks in the window of the garage and sees a black Rolls-Royce with a boy in the back seat. Vic wonders why he is so passive. She goes into the garage and looks in the car window. The boy is awake and doesn’t look unhappy. It is as if he is in a trance. She is tempted to run, but then she remembers that the bridge always takes her where she needs to go. When the boy looks at her his skin is unnaturally pale, his hair is white, and there are black veins on his cheeks. He says she should leave and that it isn’t safe.

Vic reaches through the open front window and offers him her hand. She screams when he grabs her wrist because his hand is so cold. The horn sounds when he bumps against it and the boy smiles, revealing sharp teeth.