76 pages 2 hours read

Joe Hill


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2013

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part 10, Chapter 99-Part 11, Chapter 102

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 10: “Triumph-One Eternal Christmas Eve”-Part 11: “Come all Ye Faithful—October”

Part 10, Chapter 99 Summary: “Christmasland”

Vic drives down Gumdrop Lane past various shops. She sees the face on the moon and notices that it looks like Manx. She almost runs into a child, and then two more appear and trail behind her. She feels as though she is being surrounded as she approaches the biggest Christmas tree she has ever seen. The tree lights up and she sees dozens of children around it. Most have weapons. Vic sees that the Christmas ornaments on the tree are human heads.

Manx steps out of the Wraith and the lights of the park illuminate. His two daughters appear and hug him. Wayne steps out of the car when Manx says they should ask what he wants. Vic sees Wayne’s sharp teeth as he laughs and points the moon’s face out to her. Millie—one of Manx’s daughters—tells Wayne he can’t leave before he opens his present. Excitedly, Wayne says everyone can help unwrap it and a girl in a fur coat—Victoria, Manx’s other daughter—points her knife at Vic.

Part 10, Chapter 100 Summary: “Beneath the Great Tree”

Vic asks Wayne if he is still thinking in reverse. He says he is trying but it’s hard, and it’s clear that Manx can’t understand what he’s saying, when he says it in reverse.