103 pages 3 hours read

Jane Austen

Northanger Abbey

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1817

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Volume 2, Chapters 13-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Volume 2, Chapter 13 Summary

The General leaves the Abbey for London. Catherine and the Tilneys all feel relieved in his absence, but Catherine worries she has stayed at the Abbey for too long. She decides to tell Eleanor she has to leave, in order to gauge her reaction. Eleanor is upset that Catherine might have to go and urges her to stay. Catherine happily agrees to stay longer, and she notices Henry looks very happy to hear this. She feels more certain that Henry is falling in love with her. One day, Henry has to leave the Abbey to tend to some business at his parsonage in Woodston. Catherine and Eleanor enjoy having the Abbey to themselves, but their time together is interrupted by the sound of a carriage hurrying towards the house. Eleanor thinks Frederick has come home, so she goes to greet him. Catherine stays behind and prepares herself to give Frederick a second chance.

Instead, Eleanor returns visibly upset, as it is the General who has arrived. Eleanor asks Catherine not to blame her for the message the General asked her to deliver: The General remembered the family has to leave the Abbey on Monday for a previous engagement and Catherine must leave immediately in the morning.