103 pages 3 hours read

Jane Austen

Northanger Abbey

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1817

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Volume 1, Chapters 13-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Volume 1, Chapter 13 Summary

Isabella and James agree to go for a carriage ride to make up for the one that was cut short. When they tell Catherine, she does not want to go with them since she just spoke to Eleanor and they have already agreed that they will make up for their missed walk at the same time Isabella and James wish to go for their carriage ride. Catherine therefore suggests an alternative arrangement: She will go for her walk with Eleanor tomorrow as agreed, and they can all go for the rescheduled carriage ride the day after. Despite Isabella’s repeated protests, Catherine is resolute in her decision to go with Eleanor, and Isabella snaps that it is probably easy for Catherine to choose the Tilneys instead of them. At this, Catherine pulls her arm away and they walk in awkward silence.

During their conversation, John walks away for a moment. When he returns he tells the group he just spoke to Eleanor on Catherine’s behalf, telling her the walk would have to be on Tuesday instead so that Catherine can go on the ride. John’s lie makes Isabella and James very happy, but Catherine becomes overwhelmed and angry. Catherine tries to follow the Tilneys to set the record straight, but Isabella and John each grab hold of her arms.