83 pages 2 hours read

Gordon Korman

No More Dead Dogs

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2000

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Chapters 9-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

Wallace goes to the team’s next game. Though it’s almost 80 degrees out, he wears a hood, scarf, and bandana to disguise himself, not wanting to be noticed or harassed for having detention. Trying to help, a grownup uncovers Wallace’s head, and Dylan recognizes him. He shouts loud enough for everyone to hear, including Wallace’s teammates, who look up, lose track of the ball, and lose the game.

Wallace goes to the locker room after the game, where his teammates lay into him about ruining their chance at a win. Wallace is about to leave when he notices a box of pepper in Feather’s locker—it’s the same kind from the incident at rehearsal. Feather says the pepper is to cover up the taste of the celery he’s been eating.

Monday morning, the principal calls Wallace in to discuss the pepper incident. Wallace doesn’t know for sure that Feather did anything, so he tells a half-truth about not being sure and leaves. He wonders if one of his teammates tried to frame Feather and gets stuck on Cavanaugh, who seems to know more than he should about what’s going on at rehearsal.

In the hall, Wallace runs into Parker from the school newspaper.