83 pages 2 hours read

Gordon Korman

No More Dead Dogs

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2000

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Chapters 16-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary

Wallace wakes from a dream about the play to find almost the entire cast and crew of Old Shep, My Pal raking and bagging the leaves in his yard. To get out of going to the fair with Trudi, he told her he was raking leaves, and Trudi recruited the drama club to help. Wallace tells them they didn’t have to do this, and one of the cast members speaks for all, saying it’s “the least we can do to thank you for making our play so fantastic” (125).

At school, Wallace visits the football coach in his office. Coach is watching the video of the celebration at the end of last season after Wallace made the winning touchdown. Wallace asks the coach if he hates him. Coach explains that he’d love to have Wallace back on the team, but not because he’s a great football player. Instead, there’s something about Wallace that brings out the best in others, and the coach “wouldn’t be surprised if you’re having that effect on the people in the drama club” (130).

Feather arrives and is annoyed to find Wallace there. He speaks for the team, telling Wallace how mad they are.