79 pages 2 hours read


Njals Saga

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1280

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Chapters 121-159

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 121 Summary

Asgrim, Gizur the White, Hjalti, and others convene at the Althing. Mord Valgardsson turns over the prosecution for Hoskuld Thrainsson’s slaying to the Sigfussons. Asgrim notes that Mord took part in Hoskuld’s killing and was, indeed, the man who gave him the unnamed wound; this circumstance invalidates the lawsuit. Thorhall Asgrimsson, however, advises that they conceal this detail and use it against the prosecution.

The case begins on Friday evening with everyone in attendance. The Sigfussons name witnesses and initiate oaths. Thorhall objects because Mord was involved in the slaying yet had given notice—therefore, he should be outlawed. He claims that the case is not valid.

Chapter 122 Summary

Njal speaks, saying that he loved Hoskul Thrainsson more than his own sons, and that he “would rather have lost all [his] sons to have him live” (207). He says the case “sprang from evil roots” and requests a settlement (207). Flosi consents at Hall of Sida’s encouragement and names his arbiters, as does Njal.

Chapter 123 Summary

Snorri the Godi, one of the judges, favors a large fine. Others concur and set the amount which has to be paid at the