79 pages 2 hours read


Njals Saga

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1280

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Chapters 1-40

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

A powerful Icelandic chieftain, Mord Gigja, has a daughter named Unn. Two brothers, Hoskuld and Hrut, live to the west of Mord Gigja’s chiefdom. Hoskuld has a beautiful and wily daughter named Hallgerd. Hrut predicts that Hallgerd will cause trouble for others despite her beauty, and this causes a brief rift between the brothers.

Chapter 2 Summary

Hoskuld and Hrut successfully negotiate an arrangement with Mord Gigja for Hrut to marry Unn. However, before the marriage, Hrut discovers that another brother has died and left his property to Hrut. Hrut’s uncle informs him that if he does not attend an assembly at the Gula Thing (in Norway), he might lose the property. So, Hrut postpones his wedding and sails to Norway.

Chapter 3 Summary

King Harald Grey-cloak rules Norway. Gunnhild, the king’s mother, receives word of Hrut’s arrival and notes that a man called Soti has taken his inheritance. She promises to support Hrut in his property dispute if he takes her advice.

Hrut explains his situation to the king and requests Harald’s aid. Hrut asks to become one of the king’s bodyguards, which Gunnhild supports. Tradition demands that Hrut depart from the kingdom for two weeks before returning to enter the king’s service. Harald promises that Gunnhild will “look after” Hrut during this period.