29 pages 58 minutes read

Gary Paulsen


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1993

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Chapter 3

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 3 Summary

When Waller brings Nightjohn to the slave quarters for the first time, he is in poor physical condition. He tied Nightjohn by the neck to a horse saddle and made him walk in front of the horse. When Nightjohn arrives at the quarters, he is naked, and his back is covered with scars from past whippings. His skin is a deep, beautiful black, darker than Sarny’s brown skin. Waller forces Nightjohn into the field after the long journey and makes him work for the remainder of the day. Each day, the workers receive two meals: one in the morning, and one in the evening. Field workers also get a piece of cornbread to eat at midday, but they must eat standing in the field. They are not allowed to take breaks; even when they have to go to the bathroom, they must do so standing, and then return to work. The morning and evening meals are served in a trough, and everyone takes turns dipping a gourd into it. At night, no light is allowed in the slave quarters. Most of the field workers fall asleep right away, but Sarny sometimes lies awake for a while in the dark.