61 pages 2 hours read



Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Adult | Published in 1200

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Chapters 28-32

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 28 Summary: “How the Burgundians Arrived in Hungary”

Dietrich’s vassal, Hildebrand, tells him of the Burgundians’ arrival. Though dismayed, Dietrich rides out to greet the visitors and tell them to be on their guard since “Kriemhild still weeps bitterly for the hero of Nibelungland” (214). Gunther, Gernot, and Dietrich discuss Kriemhild’s behavior and temperament.

The Burgundians arrive at court, and the Huns scrutinize Hagen since “numerous questions were asked at court regarding [him]” (215). Kriemhild welcomes her guests with “perfidy in her heart” (216) and only kisses Giselher. Hagen picks up on her coldness and tightens his helmet. Kriemhild viciously asks him what he has to give her, and Hagen responds by saying that, as a knight, he has nothing to give. She presses him further by asking where the Nibelung treasure is located, and Hagen says that it is at the bottom of the Rhine where she cannot get it: “I have brought you nothing and be damned to you” (216). Angered, Kriemhild orders the Burgundians to surrender their weapons to her, but Hagen refuses to do so.

Kriemhild realizes that someone warned the Burgundians and threatens to punish whoever is responsible. Dietrich admits that he issued the warning and calls her a “she-devil” (216).