61 pages 2 hours read



Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Adult | Published in 1200

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Chapters 20-22

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary: “How King Etzel Came to Burgundy for Kriemhild”

King Etzel of Hungary seeks a new wife after his queen, Helche, dies, and his friends recommend Kriemhild. Etzel expresses interest in Kriemhild but believes that a Christian like her would never agree to marry a pagan like him. His vassal Rüdiger of Pöchlarn allegedly knew Kriemhild “since childhood” (150) and describes her to Etzel. Etzel sends Rüdiger to Burgundy as an envoy to woo Kriemhild.

Rüdiger rides out a week later, and he and his Hunnish knights stop to visit his wife, Gotelind, and his daughter. Rüdiger asks Gotelind to distribute gifts since “when knights ride in sumptuous style they go in good heart” (152). Gotelind agrees to give Rüdiger and his men fur-lined brocades.

Rüdiger’s company arrives beside the Rhine within 12 days. Gunther asks if anyone knows the Huns. Hagen does not know the Huns but recognizes Rüdiger. The Burgundians allow Rüdiger’s company into the palace and give them a warm welcome. Hagen implores Gunther to treat Rüdiger well as he was kind to his fellow vassal while held hostage in Etzel’s court. Rüdiger delivers Etzel’s proposal, and Gunther promises to answer in three days.