71 pages 2 hours read

Neil Gaiman


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1996

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Chapters 14-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary

The floating market is quite literally floating this time, as it’s held on the HMS Belfast, a gunship commissioned during World War II. Door, Hunter, and Richard enter the market, looking for the Marquis. In the interim, Door finds Hammersmith, a blacksmith with whom she’s friends. She introduces Richard and Hunter, then asks them to go find some food. Hunter and Richard walk right past the Sewer Folk and, unknowingly, the Marquis’s body. While ordering curry, Richard meets the pale woman―Lamia―again. She offers to guide him to wherever he’s going. Hunter stops Richard from accepting, but he decides to ask Door if she wants Lamia’s help.

Old Bailey finds his way to Dunnikin and expresses interest in the corpse; he trades him a bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume for it. Old Bailey hauls the Marquis onto the London Wall and lays his body out. He takes the black rat out of his pocket, as well as the box the Marquis gave him, laying the latter on the Marquis’s chest. Inside the box is an egg, which Old Bailey smashes, summoning a mighty wind. The Marquis returns to life, and the rat leaves to tell the Golden that “all favors had been repaid, all debts were done” (288).