71 pages 2 hours read

Neil Gaiman


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1996

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Chapters 10-13

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary

Islington, who is neither a man or woman, offers Door and Richard some wine that was gifted to it by Door’s ancestors. Islington has had the wine for tens of thousands of years; it was made with a type of grape grown in the ancient and legendary city of Atlantis, of which Islington was the caretaker. It asks what Door and Richard want; Door asks who ordered her family’s murders and why, and Richard says he wants to return to his old life. Islington says it can give them both what they’re after if they can retrieve a key from the Black Friars. Islington gives Door a figurine made of obsidian―exactly like the one that the Marquis took from her father’s study―telling her that it will return Door to Islington after their journey. Islington returns them to the museum, hours after the party has ended, and they make their way back to London Below to meet up with Hunter. They are incredibly drunk from the wine, and when they pass out, Hunter carries their bodies to an unknown location.

The Marquis tells Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar that he wants to make a deal with them.