59 pages 1 hour read

Jodi Picoult

My Sister's Keeper

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2004

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Part 9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 9: “Wednesday”

Part 9, Chapter 38 Summary: “Julia”

When Julia arrives at the courthouse, she catches Campbell and Anna fighting over whether or not Anna will testify. After Anna storms off, Campbell accuses Julia of planning to destroy his case with her final recommendation to Judge DeSalvo. Julia tells him that he doesn’t know what she’s going to say, and that he cannot influence her decision.

Part 9, Chapter 39 Summary: “Campbell”

The hearing begins, but instead of Campbell continuing his case, Sara asks permission to call a witness because the witness will not be available later. Sara calls Dr. Beata Neaux to the stand. Dr. Neaux is a child psychiatrist who testifies that Anna will be more traumatized by refusing to give Kate a kidney and watching her die than she would be by going through major surgery. When Campbell cross-examines Dr. Neaux, she says that Anna needs a responsible adult to make medical decisions for her, but Campbell points out that Sara is not capable of fulfilling this role because of her determination to save Kate at all costs.

Part 9, Chapter 40 Summary: “Julia”

Julia takes the stand next. Campbell asks for Julia’s recommendations, and she explains that she believes the entire Fitzgerald family has been influenced by Kate’s illness and none of them can make an unbiased decision as to whether or not Anna should donate a kidney.