71 pages 2 hours read

Orhan Pamuk

My Name is Red

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1998

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Chapters 48-53

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 48 Summary: “I, Shekure”

After a disturbing dream about her father, Shekure accuses Black of murdering Enishte. She tells him that perhaps their marriage was a bad decision and explains her qualms about him working with Master Osman to discover her father’s murderer. Black defends himself, expresses his love for Shekure, and asks her to sleep with him, but she continues to discuss the murder. When Black asks who she thinks killed her father, rather than responding, Shekure kisses him, but stops when she senses someone entering their house.

Chapter 49 Summary: “I Am Called Black”

The next day, Black returns to the palace to continue his detective work with Master Osman. The Sultan’s commander informs them that the Sultan believes they will find the murderer once they analyze the results of the drawing competition between the miniaturists. Master Osman, however, after perusing the drawings, states that the “painter hasn’t left a single trace” (296) of a horse similar to the one found on Elegant’s body. When the Sultan learns that they haven’t uncovered the murderer, he gives the pair permission to enter his treasury to study the manuscripts kept there in the hopes of finding the origins of the murderous artist’s