71 pages 2 hours read

Orhan Pamuk

My Name is Red

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1998

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Chapters 15-19

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary: “I Am Esther”

Esther explains that Black has lost his self-control due to his feelings for Shekure. Upon meeting Black, Esther tells him that Shekure is deeply in love with him. Black urges her to quickly deliver his note, but Esther instead delivers Black’s letter to Hasan. In his letter, Black tells Shekure that he understands her desire to wait for her husband. He also assures Shekure that he has found great pleasure in just seeing her face and that his love for her sustained him during his absence from Istanbul. Finally, he relates that he met Orhan and hopes to one day be his father.

Hasan is critical of Black’s writing, claiming that many of his lines are borrowed from famous writers. Hasan also has a letter for Shekure and asks Esther to deliver this missive too. Esther delivers both letters to Shekure, who seems pleased that Black is obsessed with her. After Shekure reads Black’s letter she asks after Hasan, questioning Esther about Hasan’s knowledge of Black. Esther lies, stating that Hasan doesn’t know of Black’s return. Esther does, though, inform Shekure of Hasan’s desire to marry her. Shekure confesses her confusion and asks Esther which man she should marry.