71 pages 2 hours read

Orhan Pamuk

My Name is Red

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1998

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Chapters 11-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “I Am Called Black”

Black reads and rereads Shekure’s letter and later dreams that they are married and happy but that he is unable to find a job. After waking, he realizes his dream was inspired by a book that contained a list of the benefits of marriage, including “being spared the guilt of self-abuse” (51). With this idea in mind, Black tries to masturbate but cannot do so because of his love for Shekure. After looking at the painting he’d made for Shekure years earlier, Black decides to write her back.

Black heads to the workshop of the Head Illuminator, Master Osman, where the elderly man trains young artists. Having not seen Osman for 15 years, Black notices the Master appears older and reminds him of a ghost. He also senses that Osman hates Enishte.

Interested in artists from other locations, Osman questions Black about the different places he’s visited and the styles of painting he’s encountered. Black relates that many artists now create single works rather than large books. Osman tells Black about Elegant, explaining that the miniaturist has been missing for six days, and that the miniaturists now work from home. A younger painter gives Black a tour of the workshop.