58 pages 1 hour read

Jennifer Weiner

Mrs. Everything

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

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Chapters 26-29

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 26 Summary: “Jo [2006]”

Jo and Shelley head to Kim’s mansion for Thanksgiving dinner. Over the years, the lovers rekindled their romance, traveling to places like Barcelona, Venice, and Alaska. Jo feels guilty not giving Lila much attention as she grew up, but she was preoccupied with Shelley. She sent Lila to Dave’s, Bethie’s, or friends’ houses so she could spend time alone with Shelley. Lila is disgusted and angry at her mother and her lesbian relationship. Lila acts out by getting a nose job with Dave’s money, not attending college, starting fights, and calling Jo by her first name. Jo worries Lila won’t find a real job or purpose, but Missy gets her a job at the prestigious publishing house where she works with bestselling editor Lester Shaub.

Jo plans to tell her family about her recent breast cancer diagnosis at Kim’s. So far, only Kim and Bethie know about Jo’s health. Kim married Matt, a wealthy businessman, and lives in an enormous house with her toddler, Flora, and newborn, Leonie. Matt’s mother, Sandra, openly despises Jo and Shelley for being lesbians.

At dinner, though Lila is late, Kim announces she’s not returning to work as a lawyer.