58 pages 1 hour read

Jennifer Weiner

Mrs. Everything

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

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Chapters 16-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary: “Bethie [1974]”

After months of traveling to places such as Nepal in Jo’s honor, Bethie returns home for her best friend Barbara’s wedding. She’s had worldwide adventures, often scamming men by stealing their money or luring them with palm-readings or sex. She also earned money singing solo and with bands. She uses drugs often, but only in safe places when she’s alone.

Overweight and with hair to her mid-back, she returns home. Sarah is disappointed in Bethie, but she cries at seeing her daughter. Sarah insists Bethie get a haircut and visit the dentist to look presentable for Barbara’s wedding, though she wishes Bethie could lose weight quickly. Bethie doesn’t want to starve herself anymore. She is no longer attached to her physical beauty, which she blames for attracting men such as Uncle Mel, Devon, and the boys at the music festival.

After she’s a bridesmaid at Barbara’s wedding, Bethie tries to sell drugs to other wedding guests at a bar. She’s arrested by the cops. Sarah bails her out and argues with her. Sarah can’t believe how much Bethie has changed, stating that she was always her good girl, and though losing her father was hard, as was the ordeal with Devon and her pregnancy, she must work through it.