44 pages 1 hour read

Jonathan Lethem

Motherless Brooklyn

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1999

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Chapter 3

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 3 Summary: “Interrogation Eyes”

The narrative returns to the hospital just after Frank dies. Gilbert and Lionel bolt, fearing the imminent arrival of the cops, and return to L&L. There, they ponder what few clues they have: the giant who kidnapped Frank and the conversation bits Lionel jotted down, most prominently the name Ullman. Tony, who immediately takes charge, dispatches Gilbert to find out who Ullman is. Lionel reluctantly agrees to break the news to Frank’s wife, Julia. 

When Lionel gets to her home, however, Julia already knows and is packing to leave, a pistol on the bed. She wears only a bra and slip. Lionel suspects she has been drinking, as she barely contains her anger at the boys’ ineptitude. Despite this, Lionel vows to find Frank’s killer. In a curious moment, Julia asks Lionel to zip up her dress and, admiring his large hands, invites him to cup her breasts. She is leaving the city, she tells Lionel cryptically, to head to a place of peace

Detective Lucius Seminole pulls up just as Julia is loading her car. He briefly questions her before she drives off. The detective then questions Lionel about his relationship with the widow.