114 pages 3 hours read

Jerry Spinelli


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 37-39

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 37 Summary: “Summer”

Janina becomes enthralled with the idea of the trains. While she and Misha are out smuggling food, they overhear the sounds of oncoming trains. Janina races away, desperate to catch a glimpse of the locomotives. Misha catches hold of her and tries to prevent her from running to Stawki Station but fails to do so. Misha follows, heading to Stawski Station through yet another two-bricked hole in the wall of the ghetto. Misha sees Janina sitting on a smokestack and climbs up next to her. Misha refuses to tell Janina where the Jackboots are taking them, as a form of punishment, but Janina remains convinced that they will be going to the candy mountain.

The next day, Uncle Shepsel continues to try and convince Jewish people to repent and forsake the Jewish religion. The piper continues to march on the streets, trying to convince children to follow him to the candy mountain. Everyone in the ghetto is speaking about the trains and people estimate how many Jews will be forced out of the city every day. Misha and Janina return to the station daily and watch the violence as Jackboots force people into the trains.