114 pages 3 hours read

Jerry Spinelli


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 22-24

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 22 Summary: “Spring”

The boys tease Misha for being adopted by the Milgroms. Uri smiles at the light teasing and is pleased. Misha spends most nights with the Milgroms, despite Uncle Shepsel’s complaints. Misha explains that he is no longer a Gypsy. After Mr. Milgrom accepted Misha as part of the family, Misha lets go of his fabricated backstory. He only keeps the yellow stone around his neck, the one part of Uri’s story that Misha believes to be real. Misha Pilsudski is now Misha Milgrom.

The boys are now smugglers, entering and leaving the ghetto via different means to steal food. As they lie upon their rug, they speak of Himmler, whom Big Henryk insists is coming to visit the ghetto. The boys discuss the possible truth in it, though Misha is unsure who he is. Kuba tells the boys that Himmler is the “Number Two Jackboot” (83). Misha has heard of Hitler but according to Enos, Himmler is the Jackboot responsible for the ghetto.

Misha returns to the Milgroms, where he tells them of Himmler’s prospective arrival.