114 pages 3 hours read

Jerry Spinelli


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 10-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary

In Chapter 10, Misha begins leaving a loaf of bread on Janina’s doorstep in exchange for small trinkets she gives him. Some of the trinkets Misha receives include a button, a gumdrop, a candy cigarette, a glass dog, and a hair bow. One day, Misha heads back to Janina’s after dropping off the bread, wanting to speak to her, and finds a bigger boy stealing the bread. Misha chases the other boy through the streets and is beaten up and left in a ditch. The glass dog given to Misha breaks in his pocket and some of his teeth are knocked out.

When Misha returns to Uri, Uri calls him stupid and proceeds to clean him up. The next night, Misha returns to Janina’s home under the cover of darkness to leave the bread. However, Misha is discovered by a passing Jackboot and his earlobe is shot off. When Misha returns to Uri, Uri cleans him up, all the while calling him stupid and telling him that Jews are not allowed out at night because of the curfew. Misha protests that he is not Jewish but Uri states that he is if the Jackboots shot at him.