67 pages 2 hours read

Salman Rushdie

Midnight's Children

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1981

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Part 2, Chapters 9-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “The Kolynos Kid”

Saleem is certain he is the “protagonist” (202) of his story, though he admits he is rarely the driving force of events in his life. Instead, things are done to him rather than him doing things. He speculates about the ways in which a person’s life can be intertwined with the fate and history of their home country, just as his is linked with India in a literal and metaphorical sense as well as in a passive and active sense. However, he struggles to express these abstract thoughts in terms that Padma can understand.

Following the injury to his finger, Saleem is collected from the hospital by his uncle Hanif and Mary Pereira. As they drive to Hanif’s house, they try to cheer his mood by promising him food and candy. Saleem stares through the car window and sees a toothpaste advertisement featuring the brand mascot, the Kolynos Kid. Saleem arrives at the house belonging to Hanif and Hanif’s wife, Pia. He promises to be well-behaved, becoming almost like a son to the couple who have no children of their own. During this time, Saleem experiences puberty “prematurely and without warning” (204). Mary joins Saleem at Hanif’s home.