53 pages 1 hour read

Naguib Mahfouz

Midaq Alley

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1947

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Chapters 29-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 29 Summary

Salim Alwan, who has become increasingly hostile toward his wife and children, distancing himself emotionally and financially, is further agitated by Hamida’s disappearance. Meeting Sheikh Darwish, he insults him, causing the old man to break into tears. When the man does not stop crying, Alwan approaches the sobbing Sheikh, seeking forgiveness and understanding.

Chapter 30 Summary

Abbas and Hussain Kirsha start visiting Vita’s bar, where Hussain introduces Abbas to alcohol. Despite Hussain’s attempts to dismiss Abbas’s worries, the latter remains consumed by his sorrow, with alcohol offering only a temporary respite.

Chapter 31 Summary

Hamida, now successful and glamorous, reflects on her dramatic transformation from a simple girl to a woman of allure, skilled in makeup, dancing, and the art of seduction. Hamida’s relationship with Ibrahim Faraj turns from a passionate affair to a commercial transaction, leaving her disillusioned. Frustrated by his business-like coldness, she demands marriage as a way out. He mocks the idea, and their relationship reaches a boiling point when she attacks him. Feeling defeated, she leaves their shared room, reminiscing about the moments they had there. As she rides in a carriage, she contemplates her future, until a familiar voice calls out her name—Abbas.