53 pages 1 hour read

Naguib Mahfouz

Midaq Alley

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1947

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Chapters 22-28

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 22 Summary

Salim Alwan, who recently recovered from a serious illness, returns to his business, but his appearance, mental state, and physical stamina are greatly impacted. Alwan feels that his employees, family, and neighbors despise him and have provoked his health crisis due to envy. He meticulously audits the books, interrogates employees about their punctuality, and experiences anger and bitterness. Alwan’s interactions with everyone around him reveal his resentful attitude toward the world. His faith is shaken, and he ponders why he, a good man, has suffered. A visit from Radwan Hussainy provides some solace as they discuss the philosophical aspects of illness and faith.

Chapter 23 Summary

Hamida meets her new love interest, Ibrahim Faraj. They stroll together, engage in flirtatious chatter, and share intimate moments. Hamida struggles with her conflicting emotions—the attraction that she feels to Ibrahim and the resentment his advances provoke. Ibrahim proposes a life of luxury, happiness, and partnership with Hamida, suggesting that she could leave behind her current life for a more fulfilling one. However, Hamida becomes outraged when Ibrahim reveals his true intention for her, namely, that she become his lover and partner rather than his wife. Despite their disagreements, Ibrahim remains confident in his belief that Hamida possesses the qualities he desires.