53 pages 1 hour read

Naguib Mahfouz

Midaq Alley

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1947

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Chapters 15-21

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary

Umm Hamida visits Mrs. Saniya Afify, who has been eagerly waiting for news about a potential marriage prospect. Umm Hamida reveals that she has found a civil servant from the police department, a man of 30 years named Ahmad Effendi Talbat, as a potential husband for Mrs. Afify. Umm Hamida portrays Ahmad Effendi as successful, financially well-off, and respected. Mrs. Afify is excited by the prospect, even though Ahmad Effendi is more than 10 years younger than her. She feels a mix of hope, insecurity, and determination as she contemplates the idea of marriage at her age. In the end, she decides to consult a fortune teller for guidance.

Chapter 16 Summary

Zaita, the “cripple-maker,” meets an elderly, dignified man who wants to become a beggar. Zaita informs him that creating an appearance of dignity is a more challenging feat than creating a physical disability. The old man seeks to improve his beggar persona, hoping that his venerable appearance will attract more alms. Zaita advises him to improve his grooming, posture, and mannerisms to create an impression of nobility. Meanwhile, Zaita develops a contentious yet flirtatious conversation with Husniya, the baker, in her husband’s absence. Despite her insults, Zaita’s persistence in pursuing the baker’s affections is driven by his envy of her husband and his secret desires for the woman.