63 pages 2 hours read

Jane Austen

Mansfield Park

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1814

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Chapters 9-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

At Sotherton, the visitors are shown around the grand house by Mr. Rushworth and his mother. In the chapel, Mrs. Rushworth reveals that her husband stopped the twice-daily prayers traditionally read there. Mary views this as an improvement, suggesting churchgoing is tedious unless the clergyman is handsome. Eager to remind Henry of her sister’s forthcoming marriage, Julia points out that Maria and Mr. Rushworth are standing by the altar. Henry smiles but whispers to Maria that he dislikes seeing her there. Julia declares it is a shame that Edmund is not yet ordained as he could perform the marriage ceremony immediately. Mary is shocked at the news that Edmund is to become a clergyman. She apologizes for her earlier disrespectful comments about the church.

In Sotherton’s grounds, the party breaks up into smaller groups. Mr. Rushworth, Henry, and Maria discuss potential improvements; Mary, Edmund, and Fanny walk on while Mrs. Rushworth, Mrs. Norris, and an unhappy Julia trail behind. Mary leads Edmund and Fanny into a wooded area called “the wilderness.” While there, she questions why Edmund wants to become a clergyman, suggesting it is an inconsequential profession. Edmund disagrees, arguing that the role offers the chance to positively influence the lives of others.