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Fiction | Play | Adult | BCE

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Scene 4-Ending Scene

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Scene 4 Summary (Lines 980-1013)

A Spartan herald arrives, erringly asking for Athens’ “Elders” (the Spartan way of governing) before awkwardly correcting himself (980-1). In a slapstick scene of physical comedy, it becomes clear he is suffering from the same sexual desperation as Cinesias, who asks him “Are you a human being or a pole?” (982).

The herald has come to arrange a compromise; the Spartans are suffering from the strike just as much as the Athenians. Lysistrata’s Spartan ally Lampito has done her job well: “[…] all over Sparta, when they heard, / The women thundered from the starting line— / There went our pussy in a cloud of dust” (999-1001). Cinesias suggests he bring Spartan ambassadors who can deliberate peace talks; he himself will go to Athens’ governing body, the Council of Five Hundred, to do the same.

Choral Episode 4 Summary (Lines 1014-71)

The men’s chorus repeats their hatred of women, while the women remind them that they look silly, being naked. Their leader kindly drapes the men’s leader in a cloth and helps remove a gnat from his eye (1020-35). The men are suspicious of their good will and try to keep up their adage that “women are / Abomination indispensable” (1039-40), but soon relent.