63 pages 2 hours read

Julie Berry

Lovely War

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2019

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Overture, Chapters 1-3

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Overture: “December 1942”

Overture, Chapter 1 Summary: “I Hear a Rhapsody”

The novel opens in a Manhattan hotel. Two Olympians, Aphrodite and Ares—disguised as mortal humans—are involved in an illicit affair. The couple turns heads as they enter the suave hotel; the man is dashing and intimidating, and the woman is beautiful. The couple breezes through the lobby, grabbing a key from a nervous clerk. They proceed to their hotel room and dismiss the obsequious bellhop who has followed them. Taking off shoes and tearing off clothing, they begin to kiss. Suddenly, the couple is covered by a cold metal net. The bellhop, actually the god Hephaestus in disguise, reappears and wishes Aphrodite, his wife, a good evening.

Overture, Chapter 2 Summary: “The Golden Net”

Hephaestus, god of fire, blacksmiths, and volcanoes, explains his plan to the imprisoned couple. He suggests that Aphrodite, goddess of love and passion, return to him as his loyal wife; otherwise, he will take them to trial at Mount Olympus, presided over by Aphrodite’s father, Zeus. Aphrodite suggests resolving the issue more privately, rather than in front of the entire pantheon of gods. Hephaestus agrees that he will be the judge of a private trial held in the hotel room, investigating his wife’s illicit affairs, including one with his brother, Ares, the god of war.