48 pages 1 hour read

Jerry Spinelli

Love, Stargirl

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Pages 50-100

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

April 23-30 Summary

Stargirl wants to leave a donut for Charlie at the cemetery, but worries, uncharacteristically, she would be disturbing him. She finally puts a donut in a white bag next to the grave overnight. When she checks the next day, the bag has been kicked or thrown farther away. She feels like a “meddling, nosy, interfering, inconsiderate, intruding busybody” (51). She tries again, and the bag is thrown farther away. She considers giving up.

May 1-31 Summary

Stargirl and Dootsie attend the Dogwood Festival, which includes a parade featuring the high school senior Dogwood Queen and her Court, bands, rides, and vendors. Dootsie snatches free candy but gives it away when Stargirl chastises her. The Dumpster boy steals a caramel apple. Alvina brutally beats up a blonde boy. When they are pulled apart, Stargirl notices a sparkly pink fingernail on Alvina’s little finger. Stargirl thinks Alvina is “a pip.” Dootsie declares she hates Alvina and Stargirl’s boyfriend for dumping her. Stargirl warns that hatred will push love out of Dootsie’s heart. Dootsie and Alvina have a silent contest of wills at Margie’s: Alvina puts a fist before Dootsie’s face, and Dootsie puts her teeth lightly over Alvina’s fist. The girls stare, then separate.