133 pages 4 hours read

John Green

Looking for Alaska

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2005

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Chapters 41-45

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 41 Summary

The Colonel is adamant that he is going to call Jake and write down everything he says, and that Miles is going to help him figure out what happened on the night of Alaska’s death. Miles becomes angry, saying that he is sick of following the Colonel’s orders and does not want to know any further details about Alaska’s relationship with Jake. At this, the Colonel argues that Miles does not care about Alaska but only the fantasy that she was going to leave Jake when, in reality, she would still be with Jake were she alive.


Miles swears at the Colonel but retains his calm until he is alone at the Smoking Hole. Here, he starts screaming and lashing out in anger. He is angry at the Colonel for being so condescending, but he also knows that he is right: Miles had been imagining embarking on a love affair with Alaska. Now, he does not know whether she loved him or whether she just kissed him in one of her impulsive moments. He consequently hates her and himself; not only for letting her leave but for failing to provide a reason for her to stay with him that night.


Miles wonders whether there will come a time when his memory of Alaska will dissipate.