61 pages 2 hours read

Charles Dickens

Little Dorrit

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1857

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Book 1, Chapters 12-23

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 1: “Poverty”

Book 1, Chapter 12 Summary: “Bleeding Heart Yard”

Content Warning: This section of the guide depicts sexism—in particular, dated notions about feminine propriety.

Meagles, Doyce, and Clennam go to Doyce’s factory in Bleeding Heart Yard. Clennam has heard that a friend of the Dorrits named Mr. Plornish lives here. Clennam goes to find Plornish, but only Mrs. Plornish is home and she tells him about her husband’s difficulties finding work as a plasterer. When Plornish arrives home, he is initially suspicious of Clennam but warms to him when he learns he knows Amy. Plornish is the one who helped Amy advertise that she was available for needlework, and the landlord of Bleeding Heart Yard, Mr. Casby, had referred her to Mrs. Clennam. Clennam asks Plornish to help him get Tip out of Marshalsea; Clennam says Plornish mustn’t tell Tip who paid off his debts, though Clennam plans to do so. Plornish agrees, and he tells Clennam about the Bleeding Heart Yard residents’ struggles and their cruel landlord, Mr. Casby.

Book 1, Chapter 13 Summary: “Patriarchal”

Clennam knows Christopher Casby of Bleeding Heart Yard as he was once engaged to his daughter, Flora. Casby had played a part in their separation. Clennam goes to see Casby, who tells the widowed Flora that Clennam is visiting.