56 pages 1 hour read

Kate Atkinson

Life After Life

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2013

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Parts 21-24

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 21: “A Lovely Day Tomorrow”-Part 24: “The Land of Begin Again”

Part 21, Chapter 33 Summary: “2 September 1939”

Pamela and Ursula discuss Maurice’s family. His wife, Edwina, is very Christian, and Pamela thinks their children, Philip and Hazel, are dull. Pamela has three sons—Nigel, Andrew, and Christopher—but hopes for a girl. Maurice says the war won’t last long. Ursula is part of the Air Raid Precautions department in the Home Office, where incident reports come across her desk in buff-colored folders. Ursula attended a secretarial college run by Mr. Carver and rebelled when he wanted the girls to wear blindfolds. Ursula thinks about a yellow dress she wishes she’d bought. She is involved with Crighton, a man from the Admiralty who had been at Jutland. He is married with three daughters, and Ursula thinks of him as having “a cryptic self” (257). Maurice, Pamela says, is himself and will never change. Pamela remarks that this might be the last ordinary day they have in a long time.

Part 21, Chapter 34 Summary: “November 1940”

Ursula lies on her back in a shallow pool of water. She realizes her apartment on Argyll Road has been bombed. Ursula has heard people speak of “Blitz spirit” and wonders, “really, what was the alternative?” (264). Since the end of her affair with Crighton, Ursula has been seeing a young man from her German course, Ralph.