48 pages 1 hour read

Jerry B. Jenkins, Tim LaHaye

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1995

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Chapters 21-25

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 21 Summary

Content Warning: This section of the guide contains descriptions of murder.

Buck, Rayford, Hattie, and Chloe have dinner together. Buck interviews Rayford, who explains his belief in the Rapture. Buck is interested and almost convinced, and Chloe is moved and is close to full acceptance. However, Rayford misreads both of their reactions as dismissals.

Chapter 22 Summary

Buck surprises Chloe when he is seated next to her on Rayford’s flight back to Chicago, where he wants to meet Bruce and has business in the magazine’s Chicago office. Chloe tells Buck that he is the answer to a prayer, for she has just asked God to give her a little more evidence that he cares about her. She now feels ready to believe and prays with her father.

Chapter 23 Summary

Carpathia’s ascension in the UN is announced, along with the meeting of most of his conditions. Bruce, Ray, and Chloe decide to form an active group to oppose the Antichrist, calling it the Tribulation Force. Buck speaks with Bruce and is increasingly convinced about Christianity. He is horrified when he hears the prophecies about the Antichrist, and both he and Bruce are convinced that the Antichrist is Carpathia.