48 pages 1 hour read

Jerry B. Jenkins, Tim LaHaye

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1995

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Chapters 16-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary

Buck poses as Steve to interview Carpathia at the Plaza Hotel. After a tussle with fellow journalist Eric Miller, who wants to interview Carpathia as well, Buck meets the Romanian president and Rosenzweig. He is surprised to realize that Carpathia knows his nickname and numerous details about him. Word arrives that Steve has been apprehended; the authorities also know where Buck is and want to extradite him to England. Carpathia offers to help, insinuating that he can use his money and influence to make the problem go away by assigning blame to Todd-Cothran. Carpathia also insinuates that this action will help his plans to become the UN secretary general.

Chapter 17 Summary

After Carpathia calls Stonagal, who calls Todd-Cothran, Buck returns home and is now safe from any legal repercussions from his misadventure in London. However, Buck is suspicious of Carpathia’s decision to allow these two conspirators to help him rise to power, and Carpathia states that he will deal with Stonagal and Todd-Cothran eventually. Carpathia also tells Buck of a plan to negotiate protection for Israel with the UN, using Rosenzweig’s formula.

Bruce calls a meeting of his core church group. He tells the others about details that he has learned, including a series of judgments foretold in Revelation.