53 pages 1 hour read

Jodi Picoult

Leaving Time

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2014

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Part 2, Chapters 18-21

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Epigraph Summary

A quote by Sophocles states children are the anchors of a mother’s life.

Part 2, Chapter 18 Summary: “Alice”

A few months after Thomas leaves Africa, Alice discovers she’s pregnant. The two have kept in touch since his departure. Alice debates how to break the news to him. She finds a pretext to visit the sanctuary in New Hampshire. During their long drive from the airport, she receives mixed signals about his feelings for her.

Thomas makes up the couch as a sleeping space and invites Alice to use the bed instead. They each secretly think this is the arrangement the other wants. Eventually, they sort things out and resume their romance.

In the days that follow, Alice learns everything about the elephants and caretakers at the sanctuary. At first, she thinks Grace is too fragile for the back-breaking labor needed to maintain the animals, but the young woman proves her wrong. Grace’s mother, Nevvie, seems strong and capable. She has no interest in life other than caring for elephants. Grace’s husband, Gideon, is massively built, but he exudes a gentle strength.

A new elephant is brought to the preserve, which causes some anxiety for the staff when she won’t step out of the truck.