42 pages 1 hour read

Lois Duncan

Killing Mr. Griffin

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1978

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Chapters 6-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary

Dave brings his grandmother a bowl of green Jell-O that he made especially for her before he went to school. He has drugged the Jell-O, and his grandmother soon falls asleep.

Betsy calls her mother to say she and her friends are going to play some records and asks if they can have some of the cake her mother made. Betsy cuts three pieces of chocolate cake and takes a bite from each slice using three different forks. After smearing icing on the plates, Betsy shoves the slices down the garbage disposal. Betsy switches on the stereo, drops a record on the turntable, turns up the volume, and leaves her house in Jeff’s car.

Dave waits in the back of Mr. Griffin’s car while Jeff and Mark put nylon stockings over their heads to cover their faces. Betsy is to meet them soon with Jeff’s car. They spot Susan walking through the parking lot with Mr. Griffin, who offers her a ride home. Susan seems nervous. Susan cries as the boys attack Mr. Griffin in his car, placing a thick bag over his head and pinning his arms to his side.