62 pages 2 hours read

Lee Child

Killing Floor

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1997

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Chapters 1-4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

Content Warning: This study guide contains depictions of violence, references to racist attitudes and language, and describes threats of sexual violence.

Jack Reacher arrives in Margrave, Georgia by bus and walks the rest of the way into town. He stops at a diner called Eno’s for a late breakfast, and within a half hour the parking lot swarms with police. Reacher observes the other customers and diner staff and decides the heavily-armed police officers are here for him. Reacher is arrested for murder. He rides in a squad car with Baker and Stevenson, two of the arresting officers, and as they approach central Margrave, Reacher observes the town’s well-funded appearance. He also wonders what his arrest is really about, since he “hadn’t killed anybody. Not for a long time, and not in [this] town” (6).

Chapter 2 Summary

At the police headquarters, the sole female officer takes Reacher’s mugshot photo and completes his fingerprint record. Baker and Stevenson put Reacher in a room by himself. Reacher expects they will isolate him, but Baker soon returns. Reacher tests Baker’s “respectful” approach by silently requesting his handcuffs be removed. Baker unlocks the handcuffs and says he is taking Reacher to see the chief of police.