60 pages 2 hours read

Sarah Dessen

Just Listen

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

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Chapters 5-8

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary

After the confrontation with Sophie and throwing up, Annabel is surprised by Owen’s kindness. He gives her Kleenex and tells her she could have punched Sophie, who isn’t worth it. Annabel calms down, and her mother calls to inform her Whitney is late. Annabel thinks that their lives revolve around Whitney, so she agrees with Grace’s suggestion to get a ride with a friend, though she doesn’t tell her mother she doesn’t have friends anymore. Owen overhears the conversation and offers her a ride.

Owen has mountains of CDs in his car, including many artists Annabel has never heard of. Owen plays Mayan spiritual chants as he discusses being enlightened by music. Unlike others, Owen couldn’t live without music, and he shares that he hosts a local radio show and plays whatever he wants. He also says he always tells the truth, especially since completing anger management classes for his temper. Annabel remembers him getting into a fight last year at school and not returning for a few months. She admits she doesn’t tell the truth to save others’ feelings and that she holds inside what she thinks and feels most of the time to spare others from getting upset. Owen tells her he believes that not telling the whole truth is akin to lying.