60 pages 2 hours read

Sarah Dessen

Just Listen

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

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Chapters 17-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 17 Summary

After Whitney’s rousing reading, Annabel feels memories rising from her past—her scarred night with Will, the upcoming trial with Emily, Clarke reaching out, and her romance with Owen. She joins her family to watch Kirsten’s short film, and their parents discuss how that day resonated with them. Both Whitney and Kirsten created art about the same day. Though the accident happened on Annabel’s birthday, she doesn’t remember much except Whitney breaking her arm, unsure what impact the day had on her.

That night, Annabel can’t sleep because she’s thinking about her history and wishing she could connect with her family like Kirsten and Whitney. She goes downstairs and finds her dad watching the history channel. Though she can’t sleep, she doesn’t join him, but Andrew explains how much history matters and how we need to learn from the past.

Annabel returns to bed, remaining restless. She finally listens to the “Just Listen” CD from Owen, but the music never comes. She realizes the CD is blank. Her past haunts her through the silence, leaving her with an epiphany. She can finally hear the only voice she’s ever needed to use, the one she’s been repressing: her own.