51 pages 1 hour read

Henry Fielding

The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of His Friend Mr. Abraham Adams

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1742

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Book 4, Chapters 1-8

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 4, Chapter 1 Summary: “The arrival of Lady Booby and the rest at Booby-Hall”

The entire party of travelers returns home. Lady Booby agonizes over her feelings for Joseph. She is still attracted to him, but Fanny stands in her way, as does Joseph’s low social position as a footman. When she hears that Joseph and Fanny plan to get married, she is angry and summons Adams to her house.

Book 4, Chapter 2 Summary: “A dialogue between Mr. Abraham Adams and the Lady Booby”

Lady Booby scolds Adams for supporting Joseph’s engagement to Fanny. She orders him to prevent the marriage from taking place. Adams defends Joseph and Fanny’s good character and refuses to comply despite Lady Booby’s threat to take away his livelihood as a parson.

Book 4, Chapter 3 Summary: “What passed between the lady and Lawyer Scout”

Lady Booby hires a lawyer, Mr. Scout, to legally prevent Joseph from acquiring a settlement in the parish, which due to him after his years of service to Lady Booby. Lady Booby is also determined that Fanny should not be allowed to live in her parish, reasoning that Fanny will produce several children by Joseph, which will financially burden the town. The lawyer believes he has a fair chance at preventing Joseph from acquiring a settlement. He agrees to devise a plan to get Fanny kicked out of the parish.