57 pages 1 hour read

Wendell Berry

Jayber Crow

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2000

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Part 3, Chapters 29-32

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3, Chapter 29 Summary: “On the Edge”

Jayber retires from his job as a gravedigger. He lives too far from the church, and graves are now dug with a backhoe. Jayber continues to be the janitor but admits to not attending church on Sundays much anymore. He prefers to worship at home by the river. He has come to believe God did not intend for people to worship inside buildings. Jayber no longer digs the graves, but he still visits the cemetery to honor the dead. Renting out the barbershop in town has proven to be an annoyance. Jayber is thankful for his quiet home by the river that he neither owns nor owns him. He feels just as at home here as he did in Port William if not more so. Jayber loves the tranquility of the river but is also in awe of its power. He fears only a flood but never lets it bother him too much as long as his boat is secure. His days are filled with chopping wood and harvesting food, and sometimes he walks to the tree grove Athey called “the Nest Egg.” The river is his favorite place to bathe. He revels in watching the changing of the seasons through the flora and fauna.